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How to plant your succulent

1. Add coconut coir to the bottom of your pot.
2. Fill your pot 3/4 full with growing medium.
3. Gentle place your succulent in the growing medium.
4. Cover the rest of the roots with the growing medium.
5 Cover the soil around the base of your succulent with Quartzite pebble topper.

Build your own Collection of a plant pack or a seed pack of your choice

Tips on how to care for your succulent

Everything You Need to Know

Can I grow my succulent indoors?

Succulents require sufficient light to grow and thrive, either filtered sunlight or direct sun.  Succulents can
therefore be grown successfully indoors or outside.  Newly planted succulents can scorch in direct sunlight,
so you may need to gradually introduce them to full sun exposure or put them in filtered sunlight.
Succulents can thrive with indirect sun, but if yours is sitting in the same exact spot day after day, it's likely
that only one side is getting enough light. We suggest rotating the plant often. Succulents will lean towards
the sun, so rotating them will help them stand up straight. (Leaning may also be a sign that they need to be in
a sunnier spot.)

Are my succulents getting enough light indoors?

When a plant is getting too much light, the leaves may scorch, have brown, black or white patches, or just
look burnt or withered. Consider moving your succulent to a less sunny location if it is getting burned.
A plant desperate for sun will stretch or lean toward the light. Sometimes it will stretch out to reach better
light.  Light deprived plants can also become more susceptible to insect infestation and disease.

How much water do succulents require?

Succulents need more energy when they're in a period of growth. During autumn and winter, indigenous
succulents are thriving and drinking up much more water than when they're resting in the summer and early
spring. We recommend testing the soil with a finger—when the top 2 cm are dry, watering is required. Beware of the difference between soil drying out and drying up. Allowing the soil to feel dry to the touch is good practice, but if it has shrunk from the sides and become hard, you’ve waited too long. Rehydrate soil that has dried up by soaking the pot in a sink or tray with an inch of water for a few hours until the soil rehydrates.

How regularly do I have to water?

Overwatering can kill your succulent, so make sure you let the soil dry between watering. When over-watering, succulents’ leaves become squishy and change colour, becoming paler, even white, or perhaps brown. Never leave your succulent in standing water as it will result in root rot. When stressed for water, succulents begin to use the water in their leaves and stems, giving them a thin, wrinkled appearance. If this occurs, water right away. When you first plant your succulents, water them until the soil is damp. Then allow the soil to dry out before watering again.

How do I water my succulent?

When you water your succulents, soak the soil until water runs out of the drainage holes. Don’t use a spray
bottle to water your succulents, misting can cause brittle roots and mouldy leaves. You can also place pots
in a pan of water and allow the water to absorb through the drainage hole. Once the top of the soil is moist,
remove from the pan.

Are succulents prone to pests and diseases?

Pests shouldn’t be a problem for indoor succulents, but occasionally you may have to deal with bugs.
Gnats are attracted to succulents that are planted in soil that is too wet and doesn’t have proper drainage. To
get rid of eggs and larvae, spray the soil with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol. Mealybugs are another succulent pest to deal with. Overwatering and overfertilizing are the common causes of mealybugs. Move infected plants away from other succulents and spray with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol.

Do succulents need fertilizer? 

Succulents don’t need much fertilizer, but you can give them light feedings during the autumn and winter growing season. A safe option is any general liquid fertilizer available from supermarkets and nurseries, used according to the product’s instructions.  Be careful not to overfertilize - this can cause your succulent to grow too quickly and become weak.

When do I sow succulent seeds?

Seeds of succulents from the Namaqualand’s winter rainfall regions should be sown in spring or autumn.

How does one prepare the soil for sowing?

Lightly cover the drainage holes at the bottom of a seed tray with a thin spread of coir, included in your kit.
Fill the container three quarters full with your soil mix and settle the soil by tapping the bottom of the container against a firm base, then level the surface. Drench the soil before sowing.

How do I sow succulent seeds?

Spread the seed lightly and not too thickly on top of the soil, and cover it with a thin layer of growth
medium. It is imperative not to sow the seed too thickly, as crowded seedlings are more prone to disease.
For ease of sowing, your seeds have been mixed with coarse sand. The sowing trays must be placed on a level surface, where excess water can drain away. A warm sheltered area with light shade will suffice, provided that the area is well aerated.

How and when does one water succulent seeds after sowing?

Water the soil using a fine, gentle spray. The seed can be displaced and the seedlings killed by heavy drops
or strong blasts of water. The soil must never be allowed to dry out, but must not be water-logged. After the
seedlings have emerged, the trays can be watered less frequently and the soil allowed to dry out before re-
watering.  The seed should germinate within 2-3 weeks, depending on the species.

When can succulent seeds be transplanted?

Seedlings can be transplanted as soon as they are big and strong enough to handle it. They must be gently
removed from the soil by removing or cutting out a section, including soil, and gently teasing the roots free.

Root disturbance must be kept to a minimum, and the seedlings must never be pulled, as this damages the
delicate developing root systems. The seedlings can be transplanted into plant containers or into the open ground, and kept partially shaded until established. The seedlings must be kept well-watered, especially during their first year. It is advisable to shade the young plants.

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